This article is about the 3 things to do when your wedding company isn’t making money

This is a tough topic to discuss but one that may be super helpful and important for some of you that are struggling to stay in business.

Wedding Company Isn't Making Money

The Best Thing You Can Do First

First up, let me just say, we’ve all been there….

We’ve all had those weeks, those months, and even those years when bookings dry up along with your income.

The best thing you can do if your wedding company isn’t making money is to take a step back!

This could mean:

1. Taking leave

2. Going on a small vacation

3. Working on something else

I know this might sound counterintuitive but I can assure you that when you give yourself some distance and space, you’ll be able to make much better and wiser decisions as you move forward.

After you’ve had some space away, you’ll have the opportunity to breathe and think about your wedding company without all the added emotion.

You’ll be able to make better choices and may even feel inspired to try something new.

The second thing you can do whenever your wedding company isn’t making money is to evaluate the main reasons why

You can’t make better decisions or change your circumstances if you don’t have a handle on what is going wrong.

It could be something simple that you could fix easily or quickly.

It might not even be a big problem or issue.

You will need to evaluate the following:

1. Is Your Pricing on track?

2. Does your branding need an upgrade?

3. Is Your website up to date and ‘fashionable’ with bridal couples of today?

4. Are you posting to Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest every day?

5. Are you blogging about your weddings and other relevant information that brides are searching for on Google?

6. Is Your website optimized for your city and state and generating traffic from your target audience?

7. Are you following up with inquiries?

8. Do you have a good online presence?

9. Are you getting referrals from past brides or fellow wedding industry friends?

10. Have you attended or signed up for any wedding expos or bridal fairs?

11. Is Your business getting featured in magazines or on other wedding blogs?

12. Are you using Facebook and Instagram Ads to reach more brides or bridal couples?

3 Things to do When Your Wedding Company Isn't Making Money

After evaluating these things, you will have a clear understanding of what’s holding you back and why your wedding company has stopped making money:

  • When your pricing is too cheap or too expensive, brides won’t book you.
  • If your branding is out of date, brides won’t be attracted to your business.
  • An old-fashioned website will not help you get more wedding bookings.
  • When you’re not active on social media, bridal couples won’t trust your wedding company.
  • If you don’t follow up, they won’t be reminded that your company is out there, or worse, they’ll think you’re not interested in working with them.
  • When brides search on Google for the service or product you offer, they may not find your wedding company if you’re not using location-based SEO or optimizing for specific keywords.
  • If you don’t answer the questions that brides are searching for on Google, you could be missing a big opportunity.
  • Brides use online wedding directories to find wedding vendors so if your wedding company isn’t featured on any of the top directories in your area or country. You’ll miss out on bookings.
  • If you’re not asking your past brides or friends in the industry for a referral or a review, you’re missing out on bookings.
  • Bridal couples like attending wedding expos and bridal fairs to meet vendors and see their work. If you’re not at these events, they may find other vendors for their wedding.
  • Brides love reading wedding blogs and magazines so if you can get your wedding company featured in these places, it’s a great way to find new leads.
  • And finally, if you’re not using my Facebook or Instagram Ads, or worse, you’re using them in the wrong way, you’ll miss out on a heap of leads and bookings.

As you can see, these things are super important and that’s why I harp on about them so much in all of my articles, courses, and coaching programs.

This works, and will fast-track your wedding business success!

The final thing to do when your wedding company is on the brink of closing is to run a special offer:

This is a simple fix and if you do it right, it can bring in some fast money that can help bridge the gap as you work through the things you should do when you’re wedding company stops making money


I hope you find these tips useful.

Your wedding company will go through dry patches but if you work on this 12-step wedding business marketing plan, you’ll always be in the best position to ride through the quiet time.

If you’re stressed about your wedding business and worried because your wedding company has stopped making money, I strongly recommend getting a wedding business mentor or taking a course of some kind.

I have an affordable course available for those that are just starting out or struggling to make money from their wedding business. It’s called The Wedding Business 24 Course.

You can also check out all the articles on this blog for inspiration or find out more about my affordable wedding business coaching or find out how I can help you fix all of the issues that are getting in the way.

All the best

Until the next time,