This article is about 90 ways to target brides and get more wedding leads for your wedding business

If you want to target brides and get more wedding leads for your wedding company, you’re in the right place.

target brides and get more wedding leads

1. Post on Your Social Media Platforms Every Day

Brides will only be ‘engaged’ and looking for their wedding vendors for a short period of time, so you need to ensure your business is right there, whenever she’s looking!

Posting on Instagram and Facebook every day is aggressive marketing and does work, but only if you know how to do it right. Posting for the sake of posting is pointless! You need a social media strategy!

2. Use Strategic Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads can drive a ton of traffic to your website if you do it right, but they can also be a total waste of time and money if you do it wrong. If you’re new to Facebook ads, my advice is to get someone, like a wedding VA to do the ads for you.

3. Update Your Social Media Profiles

When did you last update your social media profiles? To attract and target brides and get them to take action, you need to have a profile that is simple and to the point. You’ll also want to check your links from time to time to ensure they are still working.

4. Start Introducing Reels on Instagram

Reels are very popular and can be highly useful tools for attracting and targeting brides to your wedding business so be sure to add them to your social media strategy.

5. Use Stories to Showcase Behind the Scenes Images and Videos

Brides love to see what’s going on and how things work behind the scenes. It’s also a great way of showing off the real side of you and your business.

6. Use More Highly Targeted Hashtags to Target Brides

At the time of writing this, Hashtags have become a hot topic. Do we need them or not? My advice for now is to use a maximum of 9 hashtags per post. Check out this post about my 33 Instagram Tips for Wedding Pros for more details about this.

7. Mention Other Wedding Vendors and Wedding Venues in Your Posts

When you mention other vendors and venues, you have more chance of growing your audience and targeting more brides in your wedding business and those venues and suppliers may also start reciprocating the love.

8. Use More Videos

Videos are the future of marketing. When you add videos to blog posts, your website, and your social media feeds, you stand the chance of attracting more brides when they’re searching for your services or products online.

9. Create Carousel Posts to Keep Brides Engaged and Interested

Carousel posts are still popular and work really well with keeping brides interested in your posts and your wedding business, so be sure to add them to your social media schedule.

10. Use Facebook Groups to Show Off Your Real Weddings (Do Not Advertise)

Facebook groups are great for engaging with your target audience, especially if the group if specific to your area. However, to make it work, you need to be active!

11. Start Your Own Facebook Group to Attract Brides

Don’t do this unless you have the time or someone on your team to manage the Facebook Group.

12. Be Helpful on Facebook Groups – Refer Other Suppliers and Venues

When you join Facebook Groups, do so with your personal account and then be as helpful as you can whenever a bride-to-be asks for help or assistance. When you show up in this manner, they will appreciate you and others will also be watching. You’ll want to ensure that your personal account shows what you do and links to your business account to be successful with this strategy.

13. Go Live on Facebook

I’m not sure how effective this is in today’s world, but Facebook Lives are still a thing and can be used to attract brides to your wedding business, especially if you link it to your Facebook Group.

14. Post Your Testimonials as a Post (Turn off Reviews)

Testimonial posts are highly attractive and work very well for your business and for targeting brides, especially brides that are sitting on the fence.

15. Use Highly Targeted Instagram Ads

Instagram Ads are extremely effective and can work really well if you do them right. My advice is to keep your Instagram Ads and Facebook Ads separate as there are different settings for each. For those of you that are interested in this, I share my paid ads strategy in my coaching program and in my course.

16. Create 5-15 Pins on Pinterest Every Day

Pinterest is a great tool and one that brides love using when planning their weddings. Pinning 5-15 pins a day is not easy to do unless you use a tool like Tailwind, but if you do this right, it can drive a ton of traffic to your website.

17. Schedule and Automate Your Social Media Posts

I cannot stress how important this is for those that want to take their wedding business to the next level. When you start using a social media scheduling tool, your life will become so much easier, especially if it’s only you wearing all the hats in your business. I recommend Loomly, Tailwind, or Pallyy. However, you could also look at Later, Planoly, and Hootsuite.

18. Use Pinterest Ads

Another effective way to ensure your business is getting in front of your target brides is to use Pinterest Ads. Like I said before, brides love Pinterest, so with Pinterest Ads, you’re right where you need to be.

19. Create a Google My Business Account

Google My Business or your Google Business Profile is a highly important component for your business, especially if you want your business to be found online by brides and bridal couples in your area and it’s super simple to set up.

20. Use Linktree to Get Interested Brides Over to Your Website

Linktree and other linking services are great for getting brides to take action from Instagram. Linktree allows you to link to 5 places for free. This could be linking to your website, to your Facebook account, to a group, or any other relevant place.

21. Strategically Implement CTA’s (Call-to-Action) in Your Social Media Posts

Aggressive marketing is essential for wedding pros because we are working within a limited timeframe. Once a bridal couple has found their venue and their vendors, they won’t need our services again, so it’s vitally important that you use a call to action in your social media posts

22. Use Captions and Quotes to Create Viral Posts

Brides love to share posts, especially ones that are funny or romantic. One of the best ways to get your posts to go viral or to be shared is to create quote posts or other quotes with inspiring captions. I have a list of 600+ love quotes and captions that you can grab for free.

23. Create a Personal / Business Vlog

If you have a personal brand then it’s a great idea to create a personal vlog or a business-related vlog to show off how your business is managed behind the scenes. This helps brides feel a connection with you.

24. Create Professional Wedding Business Cards

Business cards are still a thing! However, in this day and age, your wedding business card will need to have a QR code to be truly effective.

25. Offer Free Online and In-Person Consultations

Bridal couples may feel a little uneasy about spending money on your products or services, so by offering a free consultation, you’ll give them a chance to ask questions so that they feel comfortable.

26. Automate Your Calendar Booking System

It can be highly frustrating for both you and the bride when there are tons of back-and-forth emails. With an automated booking system, you can eliminate all of the headaches and ensure a smooth booking process. I recommend HoneyBook.

27. Offer Regular Giveaways

I know some of you will ignore this one, but it can work wonders for targeting brides and getting more wedding leads for your wedding business.

28. Get Involved With Charity and Fundraising Events

Although I don’t recommend doing this just for the leads, it is a great way of growing your audience and getting your wedding business noticed by influential people in your network.

29. Attend Relevant Networking Events

Networking is a brilliant thing that every wedding business owner should do, however, you need to be strategic in how your approach networking events, especially if it’s not specific to the wedding industry. Read this article about wedding business networking for more details.

30. Advertise in Wedding Magazines and Newspapers

If you can afford the hefty prices, advertising in wedding magazines and newspapers can be a great way to target brides and get more wedding leads for your wedding business.

31. Create Guest Blogs and Articles for Wedding Websites

Guest posting will do more than just help grows your audience. It is also a great way of getting backlinks to your website which can drastically improve your Google ranking.

32. Put Posters and Flyers in Libraries and Boutiques

This one is very old school, but it can still work effectively to target brides in your area.

33. Join Wedding Venue Tours and Open Days

My advice is to always be where brides are hanging out. Wedding venue tours and open days are full of brides and bridal couples that are on the lookout for venues and vendors for their wedding day.

34. Deliver Exceptional Wedding Services

You can’t target more brides if your wedding business is not excelling on the ground. Brides, vendors, and venues will not promote or refer your wedding business if you deliver shocking service.

35. Create Incredible Experiences for Your Clients

Go the extra mile to ensure your clients feel the love. This will inspire them to talk about you to others and give you more opportunities. It will also make you feel great!

36. Join Upwork and Look Out for Wedding Jobs in Your Area

Upwork is a haven for wedding clients, especially those looking for photographers and videographers. Simply type wedding in the search and see what comes up. You can also post a job on Upwork offering your services.

37. Sell Your Wedding Products on Etsy

Etsy is a wonderful place for a bride. There are so many fabulous items on offer on Etsy so it is a great place to show off your products and sell them to brides (from all over the world).

38. Create Collaboration Wedding Packages

Collaborations are great and allow you to offer more services to your target audience. For instance, a bridal couple may want to get their photography and video done by the same the company, but if you only offer video, you could lose out. By collaborating with a photographer, you could combine your packages and have more chance of booking the wedding with that couple.

39. Upgrade Your Mindset

Your mindset is one of the most important components when it comes to targeting brides and getting more wedding bookings. If you have a poor mindset, you won’t attract couples to your wedding business. You’ll repel them.

40. Refer Brides to Other Venues and Vendors

One of the best things you can do for your wedding business is to make friends with other venues and vendors. The best way to do this is by refering them to your brides. For instance, if one of your clients is looking for a makeup artist, you could send an email to a makeup artist that you know of and CC the bride in the email. Both of them will appreciate your help.

50 More Ways to Target Brides

41. Incentivize Venues and Vendors to Promote Your Business

42. Ask For Referrals From Past Brides

43. Simplify Your Pricing and Packages

44. Upgrade Your Prices

45. Off Your Pricing and Packages as a Lead Magnet

46. Offer Your Products and Services for Corporate Events and Other Celebrations

47. Advertise on Street Posters

48. Set up a Visible Shop or Office

49. Use a Professional Email Address

50. Create a Quality Website

51. Ensure Your Website is a WordPress Site and Incorporate Business Related Plugins

52. Add a Lead Capture Form to Your Website

53. Create an Attractive Lead Magnet

54. Sign up With an Email Autoresponder

55. Automate Your Emails

56. Send Regular Emails to Your List

57. Share Real Weddings

58. Get a Wedding Business Coach

59. Exhibit at Wedding Expos and Bridal Shows

60. Offer Wedding Workshops

61. Create an Online Wedding Course

62. Write a Book Targetting Brides

63. Collaborate With Wedding Venues

64. Ask to Feature on Wedding Venues Recommended Vendor Lists

65. Use Quality Branding and Content Designs

66. Join Quality Directory Websites

67. Use Review Websites

68. Answer Questions on Quora and other Q&A Websites

69. Join Wedding Forums

70. Start a Blog on Your Website

71. Become an Affiliate

72. Update Your Brand to Target Brides

73. Research Your Keywords and Keyword Phrases

74. Update Your Sales Copy

75. Create a Landing Page

76. Develop a Simple Sales Funnel

77. Share Events to Target Brides

78. Ensure Your Website Speed is Good

79. Use SEO to Get Your Website Ranking on Google, Bing, and Yahoo

80. Add a Contact Form to Your Website

81. Submit Your Site to Google with the Google Search Console Webmaster Tools

82. Create a Podcast

83. Set up a Youtube Channel

84. Share Your Weddings on TikTok

85. Collaborate With Other Wedding Suppliers eg. Mock Weddings

86. Create a Regular Blog Post Schedule

87. Hire a Wedding VA

88. Use Google Ads

89. Create a Special Offer Catalog

90. Submit Images from Real Weddings to Wedding Websites and Wedding Magazines

Are You Using Any of These to Target Brides to Your Wedding Business

If you’d like to have a continuous stream of quality bridal leads flowing through your wedding business sales funnel, you need to develop a system and plan of action. Just reading through this list won’t do anything for your wedding company if you don’t take any action.

Above, there are 90 ways to target brides and get more wedding leads. Are you using any of them already? If not, which ones will you start using first?

I would recommend updating your brand and wedding business social media profiles first. Canva is a great tool to use for designing and updating your logo or social media content.

If you’re all set with your pricing and branding, but want to simplify and automate these time-consuming tasks, one of the best ways to do that is with scheduling and automation. For your social media scheduling – I recommend Pallyy (which is the one I use) or Tailwind.

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Boost Your Wedding Business

Until the next time,

take care