Tips on Networking for Wedding Business Owners

Growing a wedding company is not easy. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes before you even land your first client. In this article, I’m sharing my tips on networking for wedding business owners.

One of the main steps in my 12 steps program includes word-of-mouth marketing and one of the best ways to achieve this comes from networking with wedding vendors and other business owners.

If you want to grow your wedding business and get more wedding leads for your wedding company, you will want to join wedding industry networking groups in your area, such as small group gatherings, online meetings, forums, and events.

In this article, we discuss my top tips on networking for wedding business owners to help grow your wedding company this year. Remember, you are as good as your network, so learn these strategies to establish yourself as an authority in your local wedding business landscape. 

Networking for Wedding Business Owners

Join Related Organizations 

Every area has its own wedding company networking groups and organizations. There are also online forums or other groups that help connect business owners.

Joining these wedding business networking groups, companies and forums can give you insights into your local wedding industry landscape, and you’ll have the opportunity to learn and grow with similar like-minded individuals and wedding business owners.

Networking for Wedding Business Owners

Some of the topics that get discussed and shared at these wedding industry networking groups include tips to grow your business, strategies to establish your brand, and ways to get more bookings. Learning directly from others in your industry is a great way to grow and build your wedding business.

My advice though, instead of joining every organization that you come across, take your time. Research the wedding business networking groups and organizations near you and join those that best align with your interests and values. 

It is also a good idea to attend wedding exhibitions as well where you will get to meet and connect with other wedding entrepreneurs and wedding business owners in your area.

Don’t be Shy to Reach Out 

Like yourself, other wedding company owners are also part of events that are held to facilitate business owners. Since you’re new in the industry, it is important that you don’t shy from reaching out to others. 

I made this mistake early in my wedding career which I believe cost me a lot of time and probably a lot of wedding bookings. As a shy introvert, I found it very difficult to reach out to others when I first started. Especially being the new kid on the block. 

Networking at wedding business events is the easiest way to make connections and may even give you some great referrals for your business over time. 

A quick tip: Try to find participants at these events or other forums that you would like to connect with and reach out to them beforehand. It will be less awkward for you on the day if you’ve already established a conversation before the event.

When you build up relationships and connections like this, you’ll create a lasting rapport with others in the industry and gradually your business can be introduced to prospective clients as well. You may even get connected with good vendors in the process. 

Tips on Networking for Wedding Business Owners

Be the First to Help

Among other tips on networking for wedding business owners, make sure you are stepping into the industry with an attitude to help. This proactive and friendly attitude can change things for you and will take you places if you have the right intentions from day one.

When you attend an event, meet other business owners or reach out to vendors, don’t go with the assumption that others will or should help you. You should find out how you can be of help to them first. For example, could you offer to add their wedding business details to your website?

This can really open doors for you – especially if you don’t ask or expect anything in return. When people view you as someone resourceful, they’ll automatically be attracted to you and eventually, you will be able to build a network that will be fruitful for you and your wedding company.

Follow Up 

Many wedding business owners make the mistake of not following up with those they connected with after an event. It is important to reach out to them and perhaps ask for a one-on-one meeting. This will help to solidify the business connection and make lasting relationships. 

Wedding Business Networking With Covid

There’s no doubt, that this pandemic has changed the general horizon for every wedding business worldwide. At the time of writing this article, networking events are still few and far between and it is difficult to network with other wedding vendors as we navigate this new world.

However, this does not mean that you should stop reaching out to other wedding vendors in your area. You can still make strong connections and network with other wedding suppliers online or with one-to-one coffee meetings.


If you’re struggling with establishing your wedding company or taking it to the next level, let me help you. With my resources, experience, and wedding business tips, we will work together to nudge your business in the right direction. Book your slot today for a free discovery call.

Other Articles of Interest

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Until the next time,

take care
