Wedding Venue Marketing Ideas For 2024

This article is about wedding venue marketing

In this first part of my new wedding business tips series, I’ll be focusing on wedding business tips: marketing for wedding venues.

Wedding venues are at the top of the chain when it comes to planning a wedding, but the brutal truth is this… Once a bridal couple has selected their wedding venue, they’re gone!

Aggressive marketing is key if you want to get your wedding venue in front of target brides and bridal couples.

I’ve mentioned it before in several other posts, but let me remind you again… Bridal couples follow a certain path when it comes to planning their wedding and so much relies on getting their venue booked.

For instance, they can only set a date once they know that the wedding venue they love is available for their chosen date and they can only book other wedding suppliers once they know the date and that their venue is booked.

This is why I go on about this topic and that it is one of my biggest wedding business tips for wedding venues. Aggressive marketing is crucial for your venue’s success!

Wedding Business Tips: Marketing for Wedding Venues

What is Aggressive Wedding Venue Marketing?

There are 3 parts to my aggressive wedding venue marketing plan:

  1. Ensuring your target brides and bridal couples know that your wedding venue exists (Open for Business)
  2. Building up your credibility and authority within your local wedding industry (Authority and Credibility)
  3. Going the extra mile by focusing on extra marketing strategies and marketing tactics that will take your wedding venue business to another level (The Extra Mile)

How to Open Your Wedding Venue Business

If you haven’t already started or opened your wedding venue business, you will need to start marketing it to your target brides and bridal couples before your launch date.

My advice is to host a new wedding venue open day and invite your local wedding suppliers to support the occasion. 

You could ask a local wedding photographer to capture some quality images to use on social media, your website, and other marketing channels in the future.

You could also invite local bridal boutiques, florists, wedding planners, videographers, and other wedding-related businesses to join you as you strive to promote your new wedding venue and get the word out that your wedding venue will be opening soon.

The best way for you to open a wedding venue business is to set a time and go for it. There will be lots of bumps in the road, but once you have a clear wedding venue marketing strategy and a business plan to follow, you’ll have no trouble getting the word out.

Wedding Business Tips: Marketing for Wedding Venues

Marketing for Wedding Venue Businesses

The first part of this wedding venue marketing series will be focused on ensuring your wedding venue is open for business.

I’ve seen so many wedding venue businesses fail because they haven’t spent adequate time getting their wedding venue in front of their dream clients.

Instead, they faff around with outdated wedding venue marketing strategies that get them nowhere.

Let’s break it all down between new and existing wedding venues business and the different marketing strategies.

New Wedding Venues

Open for business does not necessarily mean that you are hosting weddings at your wedding venue already. The concept can also be used to market a wedding venue that will be opening soon.

Bridal couples will be happy to book a new wedding venue in advance if it is almost ready to open and they can see clearly how the venue will look on their big day.

Existing Wedding Venue Business Owners

For existing wedding venue owners, you might be wondering about this first stage of the wedding venue marketing plan and how it will work for your venue.

wedding venue marketing tips

4 Marketing Strategies for Wedding Venues

There are 4 marketing strategies for wedding venues that we need to unpack in this first part of the wedding business tips: marketing for wedding venues series.

  1. Your Wedding Pricing and Packages
  2. Your Wedding Venue Branding
  3. Your Wedding Venue Business Website
  4. Your Venue’s Social Media Accounts

#1 Your Wedding Venue Pricing and Packages Strategy

Every wedding venue owner needs to ensure that their wedding venue pricing and packages are on point and designed for profit from day one.

Some wedding venues have completely missed the mark with their wedding venue pricing and packages because they try to compare what other wedding venues are charging and then set their prices from there.

This is really bad advice and something you need to steer clear of if you want a successful wedding business in the future.

How to Set Your Wedding Venue Pricing and Packages?

To set your wedding venue pricing and packages, first, you need to work out a simple calculation: How much money do you want to make in the next year? And How many weddings do you want to book?

This calculation will be different for every wedding venue, but the idea is the same. You need to set a monetary goal, break it down into weddings, and then set up at least 4 packages to ensure you meet the minimum rate required.

I go through all of this in great detail in my Pricing and Packages Coaching Program if any of you are interested. 

I know this is a confusing topic for a lot of you and can really hold up the process, so having someone to help you set out your prices and packages is a really useful money-saving, and time-saving exercise.

#2 Your Wedding Venue Branding

Up next, you need to ensure your branding is aligned with your pricing and packages. 

For instance, if you have raised your prices and packages but your branding is not on point to attract those higher-value bridal couples, you could really lose out on a lot of bookings.

Luxury branding your wedding venue is crucial if you want to attract your target brides to your wedding venue. 

Even if your 4 package strategy offers an affordable option, you still want to set your branding as if the bridal couple that would buy your top package will be attracted too.

#3 Your Wedding Venue’s Website

A big part of this wedding venue marketing strategy relies heavily on your wedding venue business website.

Every part of your website needs to be designed and optimized for maximum potential. In other words, everything on your website from the layout, the size, the pages, the fonts, the colors, and the functionality needs to be set up to attract bridal leads.

If your wedding venue doesn’t have a website or worse still, has an outdated website. You need to ensure this is rectified immediately.

Your website is more than just a brochure for your wedding venue business. It’s the best lead-generation tool you will ever have.

#4 Your Social Media Accounts for Your Wedding Venue

The final step in the Open for Business marketing strategy for wedding venues is your social media accounts.

How often are you posting to Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, TikTok, Twitter, and Pinterest?

I go into more detail on Pinterest in the second part of this marketing for wedding venues series, but to mention it here. Your wedding venue needs to post on at least 3 different social media platforms if you want to be truly successful.

Going back to the aggressive marketing strategy for wedding venues. 

You need to reach your target audience as soon as they get engaged, but if you don’t consistently post content to Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, you will have a lot of missed opportunities.

Here’s my biggest wedding business tip for wedding venues: Always keep this in the back of your mind when you are marketing your wedding business to bridal couples.

A bridal couple will only be looking for a wedding venue for a short period of time. Once they have found their venue and booked it – you will not be able to market your wedding venue business to them…They’re gone!


If you’re searching for tips about marketing your wedding venue – this article on the first part of my wedding marketing strategy for wedding venues is your first step.

You need to ensure that bridal couples know your wedding venue exists and you need to have your pricing, your packages, your branding, your website, and your social media accounts all set up to show your venue off in the best way possible.

Read This Next >>> Get more wedding venue bookings for your wedding venue!

Until the next time,

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