Top 3 Wedding Marketing Tips For New Wedding Business Owners

This article is about my top 3 wedding marketing tips for new wedding business owners

This year, I recommend that every new wedding business owner concentrates on three things! These steps will ensure that your wedding business is perfectly aligned to attract bridal couples that you’d love to work with and will also help your wedding company stand out from the crowd.

wedding marketing tips for new wedding business owners

My Top 3 Wedding Marketing Tips for New Wedding Pros:

  1. Align your pricing and packages with everything else
  2. Stay consistent by using the Aggressive Marketing Strategy
  3. Follow a strategic marketing plan

Wedding Marketing Tip #1: Align Your Pricing and Packages

In my opinion. Your wedding pricing and packages dictate your pathway to success. If you get your pricing and packages wrong, you’ll design your business to attract the wrong clients.

If you get your pricing right, you will do the opposite. You’ll attract clients that are perfectly matched with you and your business and who will be willing to pay (with a smile on their faces).

To get your pricing right, you need to do a simple calculation. How much do you want to make this year?

Divide that by 10. That will be your monthly figure!

Now break down your packages to align with that monthly figure.

It’s a simple process, but one that seems to hold a lot of wedding companies hostage.

My advice is this!

wedding marketing tips for new wedding business owners

Don’t do anything else until you have created 4 packages.

  • Package 1: The basic package
  • Package 2: The value-based package (most popular)
  • Package 3: A sprinkle of something extra
  • Package 4: Full Monty Package

There’s a formula for working out how much to charge for each package that perfectly aligns with your needs and wants. If you’d like to know more about the formula. I share this during my 1-1 pricing consultations.

These unique consultations give wedding pros a chance to unpack their wedding business with someone on the outside who can see things from a bride’s perspective and from yours to ensure that the packages are perfectly aligned with what you want and what you need and that will attract bridal couples that you’d love to work with.

I also have a FREE wedding pricing guide template that you can download today – CLICK HERE to grab your copy!

Wedding Marketing Tip #2: Stay Consistent

Aggressive marketing is just that! It’s aggressive.

A new wedding company needs to use aggressive marketing tactics to follow a specific strategy that ensures their wedding business is at the forefront whenever a bride or bridal couple is searching for their service or product in their area.

When you incorporate aggressive marketing into your day-to-day marketing strategies, you will be showing up on social media every day, across all social media platforms.

You’ll have an impressive online presence and you’ll be adding new blog posts to your website every week.

When you stay on top of your online marketing efforts like this, you’ll be right where you need to be at the right time!

Wedding Marketing Tip #3: Follow a Strategic Marketing Plan

If you want to have a successful wedding business that will continue to attract your target audience 24/7, you should follow a strategic marketing plan for your wedding business.

My 12-Step Wedding Business Marketing Plan is highly strategic and follows a step-by-step plan that takes a wedding business owner on a journey of success.

It starts with pricing and ends with paid ads. You can read more about it here.

wedding marketing tips for new wedding business owners


This article is about my top 3 wedding marketing tips for new wedding business owners! Your wedding business needs three things. A good pricing and packages strategy, a consistent online presence, and a strategic marketing plan.

If you’d like to know more about my marketing plan, take a look at my wedding business coaching programs, or my new course.

Until the next time,

Take care

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