5 Mistakes in Building a Wedding Team

This article is about building a wedding team and the common mistakes wedding folk makes when building their team.

Building a wedding team could be considered one of the most important aspects of running a successful wedding business. 

Whether you’re in the wedding industry or any other field, having a team of people who share your vision and are dedicated to achieving your wedding business goals is essential.

However, as Ashley and Dale from The Abundance Group pointed out in their awesome training video captured during The Wedding Business Expo, there are some common mistakes that many wedding business owners continue to make when it comes to building a strong wedding team. 

5 Mistakes in Building a Wedding Team

Common Mistakes Wedding Business Owners Make When Building a Wedding Team

Ashley and Dale are experts in this field and provide some great insights into building a wedding team and the common mistakes wedding pros make.

1. Believing You’re The Only One That Can Do Things Right!

Mistake number one when it comes to building a wedding team can be pinpointed to your mindset. It’s very natural to feel like you’re the only one who can do things the “right way” when you’ve been running your business solo for a long time. 

I know this, because I ran my wedding business as a solo entrepreneur for many many years before hiring others to help me, and all because I shared this damaging belief. 

But the truth is, letting go of control and trusting others is key to the success and growth of your wedding company.

Of course, it can be super difficult to give up control of everything, especially if you’re worried that your wedding team members won’t deliver the same level of quality or care that you do. 

But as Dale pointed out, that mentality is actually working against your goals, especially if you’re trying your best to free up your time to work on other meaningful things in your business. 

By learning to trust and delegate to your wedding team, you’ll be able to focus on things that really matter and step into the shoes of the CEO of your wedding business, letting your wedding team handle the rest.

How to Let Go

It’s important to remember that as a wedding business owner, you can’t do everything by yourself. You need to focus on your strengths and delegate tasks to other team members who have different and better skill sets than you. 

It’s all about building a strong wedding team that complements each other’s strengths and weaknesses. And when you trust your wedding team members to do their jobs, it not only frees up your time, but it also empowers them to take ownership of their work and grow within the company.

Building a Wedding Team

So if you’re struggling with trusting your wedding team members or letting go of control, start small. Here are a couple of ways for you to start with

  • Delegate small tasks and gradually work your way up to bigger responsibilities.
  • Communicate clearly and provide support and feedback along the way.

With the right team-building mindset and approach, building a successful and productive wedding team is definitely achievable.

2. Hiring Employees vs Contractors

If you’re in the wedding industry and working with contractors, then you should definitely take notice of mistake number two when building your wedding team.

Mistake number two is all about the misclassification of wedding team members, and it’s a tactical error that could land you in hot water.

If you’re treating your contractors like employees, you could be facing hefty fines and penalties if they ever come forward to state authorities. Not to mention, you might owe them back payments if it’s determined that they were actually employees all along. 

But don’t panic just yet! 

Misclassification might sound scary, but it’s not all that complicated. The key is to understand the difference between a contractor and an employee.

Misclassification is a mistake that’s all too common in the wedding industry. But just because it’s the norm doesn’t mean it’s the correct way to do things. So be aware, and take the time to learn the ropes. Your future self (and bank account) will thank you.

The Difference Between a Wedding Contractor and an Employee

If you’re feeling confused about the difference between a contractor and an employee – You’re not alone! This is a common area of confusion in the wedding industry (and beyond). 

The main difference between a contractor and an employee comes down to control. An employee is someone who works for you under your direct supervision and control. As an employer, you have the right to control how, when, and where they do their work.

On the other hand, a wedding contractor is someone who you hire to complete a specific project or task, but they work independently and have more control over how they do their work. As the employer, you have less control over the details of your work and more control over the end result.

Another key difference is how they’re paid. Employees are typically paid a regular salary or hourly wage, and you’re responsible for withholding taxes and providing benefits. 

Contractors, on the other hand, are typically paid a lump sum or on a per-project basis, and they’re responsible for paying their own taxes and benefits.

So, what’s the big deal? Why does it matter whether someone is classified as a contractor or an employee? 

Well, as we mentioned earlier, misclassifying someone can have serious legal and financial consequences. If you’re treating someone like an employee but classifying them as a contractor, you could be facing fines, penalties, and back payments.

Understanding the difference between a contractor and an employee is crucial to avoiding the mistake of misclassifying your wedding team members. 

Remember,  control and payment are the two key factors to consider. If you’re still unsure, don’t hesitate to reach out to Ashley and Dale for some expert advice and guidance.

3. Not Setting Clear Goals or Expectations

Building a Wedding Team

Mistake number three is all about communication. When you’re working with your wedding team, it’s important to be clear and concise about your expectations and goals. 

If you’re not communicating effectively, you’ll end up with misunderstandings, missed deadlines, and a lot of frustration. 

Make sure that everyone on your team knows what their role is and what they’re responsible for, and check in regularly to make sure that everything is on track.

3 Ways to Ensure You Set Clear Expectations With Your Wedding Team

  1. Define your wedding business goals and objectives clearly.
  2. Communicate your expectations clearly to the wedding team.
  3. Provide regular feedback on their progress and performance.

4. Not Accepting Responsibility When Things Go Wrong!

Mistake number four is related to mistake number three, and it’s all about accountability. When things go wrong, it can be tempting to blame your wedding team members or make excuses. 

But the truth is, as the leader of your business, you’re ultimately responsible for everything that happens!

Instead of pointing fingers, focus on finding solutions and taking action to prevent the same problems from happening in the future.

3 Ways You Can Be More Accountable For Your Wedding Team

  1. Set clear expectations for each member of the wedding team.
  2. Provide support and resources to help each of them succeed.
  3. Take responsibility for the wedding team’s outcomes, both good and bad.

5. Not Growing Your Team Along With Your Business

Finally, mistake number five is all about growth. As your business grows, your wedding business team needs to grow with it. That means being open to hiring new people, investing in training and development, and constantly looking for ways to improve.

If you’re not willing to evolve and adapt, your wedding business will stagnate, and you’ll miss out on new opportunities.


Building a wedding team is one of the most important things you can do for your wedding business. 

By avoiding these common mistakes and focusing on trust, communication, accountability, and growth, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your wedding business goals and creating the life you’ve always wanted. 

Building a Wedding Team

Extra Advice About Building a Wedding Team For Your Wedding Business!

Congrats if you’re ready to start your first wedding team! As a wedding business expert, with my own experience on this topic, I’m happy to share some extra tips and advice about this topic of how to build a wedding team.

Define Your Wedding Team’s Purpose: 

Make sure you have a clear understanding of what your team is meant to achieve and by when. Establish specific goals and outcomes that you’re striving for, and make sure everyone on your wedding team understands them.

Choose The Right People: 

Building a great wedding team is all about selecting the right people with the right skills. Look for individuals who are passionate about the wedding industry, have the necessary skills, and can work well with others. You should also ensure that their personalities complement each other.

Set Clear Expectations and Communicate Effectively: 

Wedding communication is key when it comes to managing a team. Set clear expectations early on and make sure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. Provide regular feedback and create a safe space for your wedding team to share their thoughts and ideas.

I got this one wrong! I didn’t discuss expectations with my team and ended up with two team members that ended up feeling unhappy with their roles. In hindsight, I should have sat down with them as a team and outlined each team member’s responsibilities.

Encourage Collaboration: 

Collaboration is an essential component for any wedding team, and you can facilitate this by encouraging open communication and creating a culture that values teamwork. One of the best ways to do this is by establishing clear communication channels and ensuring everyone is heard and feels valued.

Celebrate Successes and Learn From Failures: 

Always celebrate and acknowledge the successes of your team, both big and small. Similarly, don’t shy away from discussing failures and learning from them. 

It’s also a great idea to Incorporate a growth mindset within your wedding business team and encourage them to learn from their mistakes.

Remember, managing your wedding team can be challenging, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. With the right mindset and approach, you can help your team achieve great things. Good luck!

Watch The Video


More About The Abundance Group

TheAbundance.group is run by Ashley and Dale, a fun-loving father-daughter duo who are dedicated to helping individuals and organizations achieve their full potential by focusing on personal growth, leadership development, and strategic planning.

Their wealth of experience in coaching and consulting and passion for helping others achieve success is exactly what you need to grow your wedding business as an individual, lead a team to success, or create a strategic plan for your company. I invite you to check out their website for further details – TheAbundance.group They have all the tools and expertise to help you succeed!

Until the Next Time,