This article is all about Instagram Reels for your wedding florist business

Welcome to the world of Instagram Reels for wedding florists! 

Instagram Reel Ideas for Your Wedding Florist Business

With the continuous rise of social media, it has never been more important for wedding florists to have a strong online presence. 

Instagram Reels provides a great opportunity to showcase your creativity, behind-the-scenes footage, and tips on floral styling. 

In this article, I’m sharing more details about how to get started with Instagram Reels and how to make the most out of this feature for your wedding florist business.

8 Simple Instagram Reel Ideas For Your Wedding Florist Business

1. Behind the Scenes Reels

Show brides-to-be more about your wedding florist company and what goes on behind the scenes at your wedding florist business. 

For example, you could show the process of creating a bridal bouquet or a centerpiece, or share how you prepare for a wedding day.

2. Before and After Reels

Showcase your wedding floral skills by sharing a before-and-after reel of a wedding venue or space you decorated with your floral designs.

3. Wedding Day Recap 

Share a quick reel of the beautiful floral designs you created for a recent wedding to give potential clients an idea of your style and the types of floral arrangements you offer.

4. Floral Styling Tips

Share short tips and tricks for styling floral arrangements, including how to create a balanced arrangement, how to mix and match different types of flowers, and how to incorporate unique elements into your designs.

5. Meet the Team Reels

Introduce your bridal followers to your team behind the business. Share a quick reel of your team’s hard work or introduce each team member in a separate reel.

6. Florals From Each Season

Share a reel showcasing the seasonal flowers and greenery that are currently in bloom to give potential clients ideas for their wedding flowers and show that you’re up-to-date with the latest trends.

7. DIY Flower Tutorials

Share a reel of a simple DIY floral arrangement that followers can create at home. This can be a fun way to engage with your audience and build your brand.

8. Wedding Client Testimonials

Share a reel featuring testimonials from your previous clients. This can help build trust with potential clients and showcase the quality of your work.

These are just a few ideas to get you started.

Don’t be afraid to get creative and try new things to showcase your wedding business on Instagram reels!

How to Get Started With Instagram Reels for Your Wedding Florist Business

Instagram Reels can be a very powerful tool for any wedding business and a great way to promote your wedding florist business on social media. 

Here are some of the best steps you can take to get started:

Plan Your Content

Before you start creating reels, think about the type of content you want to share and consider what sets your business apart from competitors.

You’ll also want to think about the different types of content that would appeal to your target audience. 

Are there any specific wedding themes or trends you could showcase through your floral designs?

Set up or Update Your Instagram Account

Make sure your wedding florist Instagram account is set up and optimized for business. 

This means creating a business profile, including relevant information about your business in your bio, and adding a link to your website.

Look For Inspiration

Take a look at what other wedding florists are doing on Instagram Reels and take note of what works well. This can help you come up with your own unique ideas for content.

I recommend looking at wedding florist companies in other countries to ensure you don’t come across as a copycat in your area. 

Instagram Reel Ideas for Your Wedding Florist Business

Create Your Instagram Reels For Wedding Florists

Use the steps outlined previously to create your Instagram Reels, taking into consideration your floral designs, behind-the-scenes footage of your process, and tips on floral styling for weddings

Promote Your Instagram Reels

Once you’ve posted your Reels, it’s a great idea to promote them elsewhere to reach a wider audience. 

You could also share them on your Instagram Story, and consider using relevant hashtags to help users discover your content.

Engage With Your Target Audience

Don’t forget to keep an eye on your wedding florist Instagram account and engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages. 

This can help you build a community around your business and establish relationships with more potential clients.

By following these steps, you can start using Instagram Reels to showcase your wedding florist business and attract new clients on social media.

Scheduling Your Instagram Reels

Scheduling your wedding florist Instagram Reels can be a great way to save time and ensure that your content is posted at optimal times for your audience. 

Here are some steps to schedule your Instagram Reels:

Use a Social Media Scheduling Tool

There are several social media scheduling tools available, such as Hootsuite, Later, and Sprout Social, however, my favorite scheduling tools are Loomly, Pallyy, and Tailwind.

Each of these tools allows you to schedule your Instagram Reels in advance and automatically post them at the specified time.

Create Your Instagram Reel

Use the steps outlined above to create your Instagram Reel and then when you’re ready to post, save the reel to your camera roll.

Upload Your Reel to Your Scheduling Tool 

Log in to your social media scheduling tool and upload the reel to the Instagram scheduling dashboard.

Choose the Posting Date and Time

Select the date and time you want your reels to be posted, making sure to consider your target bridal audience’s timezone and when they are most likely to be active on Instagram.

Add Your Caption and Hashtags

Write your caption and add relevant hashtags to your reel and don’t forget to include a call to action that encourages brides to interact and engage with you or your wedding florist company.

Schedule Your Post

Once you’ve added all the necessary details, schedule your Instagram Reel to be posted at the selected date and time.

Remember to check in periodically to engage with comments and messages from your audience. 

Scheduling your Instagram Reels can be a great way to save time and ensure that your content is consistently posted on your feed.


I hope these Instagram Reel ideas for your wedding florist business have inspired you to start using Instagram Reels to showcase your wedding florist business

As I mentioned before, always remember to plan your content, optimize your Instagram profile, and engage with your audience as much as you can. 

By consistently creating and posting engaging Instagram Reels, you will attract new clients, build a community around your wedding flower business, and showcase your unique style as a wedding florist. 

Good Luck,

Other Articles For Your Wedding Florist Business

12 Wedding Florist Marketing Tips

27 Wedding Florist Advertising Tips

Until the next time,