You have just started your wedding planning business and you can’t wait to start landing clients, but you don’t quite know what you should or shouldn’t be doing. Here’s an article about the mistakes to avoid as a wedding business owner.

It’s exciting to start a new venture and put your heart and soul into it and see it flourish. However, wedding companies often take some time to kick off and you will need some patience and solid marketing strategies to get it off the ground. 

This is where mistakes can happen that if you’re not careful ~ can lead you down a long and exhausting journey.

Mistakes to Avoid as a Wedding Business Owner

Today, we’re discussing 5 Mistakes to Avoid as a Wedding Business Owner make when starting your wedding planning business. So, let’s get started:

Mistake #1: Not Having a Niche 

When you think of starting a wedding business, it’s crucial to define your target market. Trying to market your wedding planning business to everyone can lead to epic failure because your marketing message just won’t resonate with the right people you want for your business.

Having a niche for your wedding business is the first step to making it a success. Think about whether you will step into intimate or large weddings. Do you want to work with couples from a certain cultural background? Or is your business for those who look for environment-friendly events? 

Knowing your niche will allow you to spend your marketing dollars in the right places and more importantly, where your target audience is. By defining your niche, you’ll be able to reach your ideal audience and will have a much better chance of booking. 

Mistake #2: Not Being Active Online 

Another mistake that wedding companies often end up making is not having an action plan for their social presence from the beginning. Everyone uses the internet today and finds services online. Once you know your target audience and where they spend most of their time online, you can hang out in the same places to attract and connect with them. Having an active online presence is crucial for business today.

Mistake #3: Avoiding Networking 

Networking is key to making wedding companies flourish and if you’re hiding away, you will have to step up your networking game if you want to do real business. It is also important for wedding business owners to network with the right kind of vendors, as that will help you attract the kind of clientele you want.

By making connections with like-minded vendors, you will be able to make the most of your time and money. My advice is to make sure you connect with them online, leave a good review if you worked with them, and send business their way to form fruitful connections.

Mistake #4: Not Pricing Your Services Right  

Mistakes to Avoid as a Wedding Business Owner

To attract the right clientele to your wedding business, it is important to price your services right. Make sure what you’re charging reflects the kind of services you are offering. If you have an exclusive service in your portfolio it can be priced high, whereas for others you will have to keep your pricing competitive. 

Mistake #5: Not Following Up With Leads

One of the main mistakes to avoid as a wedding business owner is related to gathering leads. Handing out your business card is just not enough. To set up a successful wedding company you need to build trust, stay on top of your client’s mind, and brand yourself right. 

As you gather leads for your business, make sure you have a way of getting their information as well. Following up with prospective leads is a great way to keep in touch and let them know of your services. When the time comes when they need your services or when someone in their circle does, they will be able to recall your name.

For more info about getting more leads – take a look at this article.

Mistakes to Avoid as a Wedding Business Owner


It’s easy to get side-tracked with other things when you are starting your wedding business and this is normal, but it’s important to stay on track if you want to succeed.

Until the next time,

take care
