This article is about how to choose a name for your new wedding business.

Starting a new business can be exciting but it can also be quite an overwhelming process to name your new wedding business.

To name your new wedding business, you will need to choose a name that represents what you do, that is unique in your area, and that has an available domain.

Name Your New Wedding Business

3 Things to Consider Before Choosing Your Wedding Business Name

Before you choose the name of your wedding company, you need to consider the following three questions. These things will help you choose between your wedding name ideas, and find one that is perfect for you.

Would You Like to Sell Your Wedding Business (One Day)?

I see a lot of wedding businesses get this wrong, especially photographers. I get that you might be the photographer, so you may want to stamp your business with your name. For instance, Gerald Green Photography. 

But if you want to sell your wedding company in the future, you won’t be able to because who would want to own that business if they don’t share the same name as you?

My advice is to choose a wedding-related name for your business and then brand yourself as the owner of that business. This is a much better way of choosing a name for your new wedding business if you want to sell it in the future.

Is the Domain Available?

If you already have a list of wedding business names to choose from, one of the easiest ways to narrow down your top names for your new wedding business is to do a domain search.

Go to, GoDaddy, Hostgator, or any other domain hosting company and do a domain search for your business name ideas. 

I recommend using the .com URL if it is available. You could also choose your country’s URL if the .com is not available.

Name Your New Wedding Business

If the domain is available for your favorite wedding business name, then you can move forward with that one, otherwise, keep going until you find one that is available.

One of the biggest questions I get asked from my startup clients that are trying to choose a name for their new wedding business is this: 

Should I use the word ‘wedding’ in my wedding business name?

My answer to this question about using the word wedding in your wedding business name is always a yes if possible. The wedding industry is a unique category to be in. There are lots of wedding businesses out there, but there’s one thing to keep in mind when choosing your wedding company name.

Newly engaged couples will be brand new to the world of weddings when they start their wedding planning journey. 

Your wedding business will not be a household brand that they will already know of (unless they’ve helped someone plan a wedding recently).

And so, my advice is to keep things as easy and simple as possible for those starting their wedding planning journey. 

By using the word wedding in your name, the bridal couple will know that you work in the wedding industry and can help them with their wedding.

Whereas, if you had a random wedding business name, for example, I once saw a wedding planning company called, ‘Strawberry Cake’ 

This is a cute name, but it could be very confusing for your target audience, especially if you’re not a wedding cake company.

Name Your New Wedding Business

Is Your Wedding Business Name Unique?

I’m sure this one comes as a no-brainer, but I wanted to include it in my list of 3 things to consider before choosing your business name because of its importance.

You do not want to copy (whether intentionally or not) any other wedding-related business in your area or country.

If you choose a title that is the same or similar to another wedding business, you could get yourself in big trouble, and may even have to close your company.

You will not want to waste all of your time and money on building up your wedding business and the brand associated with your wedding business only to have it taken away from you because you didn’t do enough research in the beginning.

The easiest way to research if anyone else has the same or similar name for their wedding business is to do an in-depth Google search.

I suggest looking at wedding directories in your area and your country. You can also check with other wedding suppliers to see if they’ve heard of any wedding businesses with that name.

Only once you are one hundred percent sure should you then proceed to buy the domain name and register your business name.

Wedding Package Names

Another thing that you will need to consider after choosing your wedding business name is your wedding package names. Here’s one of my articles to help you do just that >>> Catchy Wedding Package Names


If you want to know how to name your new wedding business in the simplest of ways, your first step should be to map out your future. If you think you might like to sell up one day, then you should definitely leave your name out of your wedding company’s title.

From there, you will need to ensure the domain URL is available and that your chosen name is unique and not infringing on any other wedding business in your area or in your country.

I hope you found this article on how to name your new wedding business useful. I have a couple of other articles for startup wedding business owners that you might find beneficial as you move forward with your wedding business journey.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you need any advice or guidance. I offer coaching and VA services for wedding pros that are at all levels, including startups.

Until the next time,