Wedding Pricing Consultation

Are you feeling lost or confused with your wedding business prices and packages? Would you like to spend an hour with a wedding business coach for a specific wedding pricing consultation?

What is a Wedding Pricing Consultation?

A wedding pricing consultation is a strategic coaching session that I hold for wedding pros that are struggling to set their wedding pricing and packages.

This is one of the most common problems that keep wedding professionals and wedding business owners stuck!

Once you know how to set your wedding pricing and packages – you will feel inspired to move forward with confidence!

How Do I Book My Wedding Pricing and Packages Consultation?

Here’s the link to book your wedding pricing and packages consultation with me.

Is One Consultation Enough or Will I Need More Sessions?

This will depend on you. In most situations, you will only need one pricing consultation as the process is quite simple and straightforward, however, If you need extra advice and guidance, you can easily sign up for another consulting session using the same link above.

What’s The Difference Between a Coaching Program and a Strategic Consultation Session?

I understand that every wedding business pro is on a unique journey and has different needs. My coaching programs are for those that want to follow a strategic plan for success, like my 12-Step Marketing Plan for Wedding Pros.

This is a specific coaching program that wedding pros can sign up for. It runs for 6 months and follows an in-depth coaching program.

My consultation sessions are for specific topics that wedding pros need urgent assistance and guidance on. For instance, this pricing consultation, my SEO consultation, my Facebook Ads consultation, or my blogging consultation.

What Others Say About My Wedding Pricing Consultation

“Your thought-provoking questions and advice literally gave me a light bulb moment for the business. Pricing has been what held me back for years and I’m so grateful to have been able to connect with you to help me get over this roadblock. It was also helpful that you can relate to where I am. Beyond being able to move forward with pricing you solidified my mentality of not undervaluing the business. I definitely want to stay connected and thanks again!”

Eboni Martin – Planner in Atlanta, GA

“Nats is incredible. I’ve been in the wedding and marketing industry for decades, but after my coaching session with Nats, my perspective changed drastically. Specifically the pricing coaching. It’s so easy to get lost in comparing your prices to others and to get too personal about your self-worth. Nats mapped it out with me focusing on self-worth and where I want to be financially and I finally saw the light.”

“Clarity” is the perfect name for her coaching..that’s exactly what she gave me!

Tracy – Wedding Designer, SA

Final Thoughts

I hope I’ve unpacked my wedding pricing consultations enough here. If you have any further questions about this or any other coaching package or strategy consultation, please feel free to reach out to me.