As a professional wedding copywriter, I know a thing or two about writing great blog posts for your wedding business website. One of the best things to master if you’re just starting out with blogging for wedding pros is the blog post structure or layout.

How to Write a Great Blog Post for Your Wedding Business Website
If you want to write a great blog post for your wedding business website, you will want to follow a specific blog post strategy like the one I use called The Simplify to 3 Method. I use my Simplify to 3 Method to set out my blog posts and in this article, I’m going to share this simple blog post strategy (and template) with you.
My Simplify to 3 Method for Blogging.
To create simple blog posts that you can write up quickly and efficiently, you need a plan or a strategy. I have written hundreds of blog posts for clients and my own wedding companies, and I’ve noticed over the years that this simple strategy is favored by Google.
The Simply to 3 Method is exactly that – it is taking something and simplifying it or parts of it into three sections, three lists, three paragraphs, etc.
I explain it all in more detail in my Blogging for Wedding Pros Masterclass which is launching soon, but for today, here’s a general understanding of the strategy and the concept. (Don’t forget to grab your free blog post template at the bottom of this article).

3 Essential Elements to Include in Your Wedding Blogs
A great wedding blog post will have the following three essential elements or parts to ensure your article is ‘Google Friendly’ which means, your article can be found in Google searches. The 3 essential elements or parts of your blog post should include:
- Sections
- Images
- Links
Blogging for Wedding Pros: 3 Sections for a Simple Wedding Blog Post
Every blog post needs to be split into three separate sections that are simply laid out. The first part is the Introduction area, the next section is the main body, and the final section is the conclusion that summarizes the article, links to something of value, and has a specific call to action feature.
- Introduction
- Main Body
- Conclusion
Wedding Blog Introduction
A great blog post has a great introduction with a maximum of three paragraphs. The first paragraph should include the main keyword phrase that describes the entire blog post.
For instance, if you are writing a blog post for your wedding photography website about how to choose a wedding photographer. The title of the blog post which should be the same as your main keyword phrase will need to be used in the first paragraph of the blog post.
Your paragraphs also need to be short with a maximum of three sentences and three lines. This makes the content of your blog post easy to digest for the reader and looks better on the eye too.
The Main Body of Your Blog Post
After you have completed your introduction, you will then move on to the main body part of your wedding blog post. This part of the blog post will vary depending on the type of article you writing. For example, Listicles look different from Pillar Posts.
As a general rule and to keep things simple as your start your wedding business blog, I recommend splitting your main body into three sections to outline the topic in more detail. So if we look at the photography idea from above, we could split up the main body to answer that topic.
So for a blog post titled how to choose a wedding photographer, we could break down the main body into three sections related to choosing a wedding photographer, such as the types of wedding photographers, the cost of a wedding photographer, and a photographer’s portfolio and testimonials.
The Conclusion
Every blog post should end in a specific way that is again split into three parts. The first part is the summary paragraph to simplify the entire post into three simple lines or three simple sentences.
The next part is the call to action or in other words, what action would you like the reader to take after reading through your article? For example, my call to action with this article is the blog post template download. This action gives the reader something of value and in return helps me to build up my email list.
The final part of the conclusion is to offer more value by linking to other articles that are similar and will keep the reader engaged. You can also add a link to your social media accounts or to your contact form if you offer consultations etc.
3 Types of Images to Add to Your Wedding Blog Posts
- Featured Image
- Topic Related Images (at least 3 per post)
- Photograph of You as the Author/Writer
Featured Image
Your featured image is the image you choose as the main image for the blog post. This will show up on your wedding blog page so be sure to choose something that is unique to your website, and illustrates what the blog post is about.
Topic Related Images
A great way of breaking up your blog post into good-looking sections is by adding topic-related images in between the sections. I recommend using at least three images that help to illustrate what your article is describing.
I also need to highlight that your images need to stock images or images captured or created by you. You cannot use any images that belong to someone else without their permission. The best way to ensure your blog post is legal is to use your own images or join a stock images website like Unsplash.
Extra Tip: If you plan to share your blog posts on social media like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. I recommend sizing your images to suit the specific social media specifications in advance. I share more about this in my wedding business blogging masterclass.
Photograph of You
Google supports articles that follow the E.A.T approach to blogging. E stands for expertise, A stands for Authoritativeness, and T stands for Trust. By adding a simple photograph of you to each article, you are providing the necessary E.A.T connection.
I also believe it helps to relate the reader to the writer. The reader will be able to see who is behind the article and feel more of a connection to them. This is vital in the world of weddings when it comes to building up that ever-important Know, Like, and Trust factor.
3 Types of Links to Include in Your Blog Posts
Linking plays a big part in SEO, but it also works in your favor to have specific links to take your reader on a specific journey from a new reader to a lead. There are three types of links that every blog post should include, these links are known as:
- Internal Links to Website Pages
- Internal Links to Blog Posts
- External Links to Related Websites

Internal Links to Pages on Your Website
This type of URL link is vital for keeping your audience on your website for longer and helping you rank higher in Google searches, but it is also a great tool for getting your readers to book an appointment or go to another part of your website for more information.
For instance, you could add a link in your blog post that sends the reader to your portfolio page to show off your photo gallery or images of your venue. You could also send them to a landing page to download your latest pricing guide or another free download.
Internal Links to Blog Posts
A great way to keep your readers engaged and to offer more in terms of expertise and value is by encouraging them to read other articles on your blog. This also helps to reduce your bounce rate which is a crucial Google ranking factor.
External Links to Related Wedding Websites
Linking out to other high-ranking related websites is another recommendation for getting your wedding business and wedding blog noticed by your audience when they do a Google search. However, I like to advise a little further on this topic because of the overall importance of linking to RELATED websites.
I’ve seen several wedding blogs linking out to all sorts of random websites just for the sake of it and I can’t stress how damaging this is for your website. The point of an external link is to align your wedding business website with similar category websites.
This alignment helps Google to categorize your website. If you align with other high-ranking wedding-related websites, you have more chance of ranking higher and being trusted by Google as you write more blog posts in the future. Again, I go into more detail in the masterclass.
3 Simple SEO Features to Include in Your Wedding Blog Posts
I’m not going to go into great detail about the SEO features, but as you move forward with your wedding business blogging, you will want to ensure that you incorporate the following three SEO features in your wedding blogs posts:
- Keyword Phrases
- Titles and Sub-Titles
- Alt Tags
Final Thoughts: Blogging for Wedding Pros
If you have a wedding business and looking for easy ways to generate free traffic to your website – the best thing you can do is add a blog!
Blog posts are simple, easy-to-digest articles that can be added to your website blog weekly or monthly. The content you share on your website is crucial for Google searches and if you do it right, you can use it as a strategy for attracting new customers on a consistent basis.

There are several advanced blogging tips for wedding pros that I share in this other article about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). However, I do not recommend looking at this until you have mastered the structure and the layout of your blog posts.
Free Blog Post Template for Wedding Pros
I have a simple blog post template I use with my coaching clients that I am giving away for free – you can get it as an instant download by entering your details in the box below.
Before writing any blog posts, fill out the blog post template to ensure you have covered every crucial aspect of a great blog post.
Hope you find it useful as you continue your wedding business journey and dive deeper into this topic of blogging for wedding pros.
Grab Your Free Download – Enter Your Details Below!