This article is about getting more wedding leads for your wedding business

Starting or scaling a wedding business is exciting and if done right, it can be highly profitable.

But, if you rush through everything without setting a strong foundation, you can lose out on a lot more wedding leads and bookings.

Need More Wedding Leads

If you want more wedding leads for your wedding business this year and every year after that, you will need to work on these 4 essential steps to ensure brides and bridal couples know you are open for business:

  1. Create a strong personal brand that is aligned with your wedding business.
  2. Set up your pricing strategy and packages to attract the right clients.
  3. Consistently post to EVERY social media platform EVERY day.
  4. Develop an attractive and systemized wedding business website.

There are 12 Steps in the plan that I recommend to wedding pros, but to generate more leads, you have to start with your pricing and packages!

Is Your Wedding Company Open For Business?

Having your wedding business set up with a nice shiny logo and a great social media profile is great, but if nobody knows your wedding company exists, it will be very difficult for you to get wedding leads and bookings.

I see it all the time, people start their wedding business, spend all their time and money on making it look pretty or spamming Facebook Groups, and then give up because they don’t get the leads and bookings.

There is a way to do things differently and get things moving in the right direction from the get-go and the process is simple.

You Need to Be Open For Business!

This means setting up a personal brand to attract and influence brides and other vendors to work with you.

Having a strong pricing strategy and attractive packages in place that take your prospects on a natural booking journey with you.

Building awareness and a consistent fanbase on every social media platform.

And a website that simplifies the attraction marketing, lead generation, prospect nurturing, and overall booking process.

Is your wedding company open for business? If you don’t have these 4 steps set up – you’re not open for business!


Use Your Personal Brand to Get More Leads

Creating a personal brand may seem like a long-term project if you’re brand new to the wedding industry or a naturally shy person/introvert.

I understand this on a personal level as I’ve had to really dig deep to align my personal brand with my wedding businesses over the years.

As a terribly shy person that loves to hide behind the computer screen, I’ve found it really uncomfortable to put myself out there at times.

This really hurt my wedding planning business when I first started because I lost out on collaborations, networking opportunities, and referrals because I was too shy to reach out to other vendors or put my name down for networking events.

It was only after I started my bridal fair events company that I felt more comfortable and realized the potential of connections.

Fast-forward to today’s world – your personal brand is more important than anything else at this foundation level.

Bridal couples want to know exactly who they are working with and entrusting on their wedding day.

They are more pickier than ever before, taking the time to select vendors they know, like, and trust, rather than who has the better deal or offer.

To get more wedding leads from your personal brand – you need to show up as somebody with the expertise, authority, and trustworthiness to deliver the service or products you are selling.

You can do this quite simply with these three steps:

  1. Give consistent value in the form of free content across multiple platforms. For example, lead magnets, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and ebooks. (remember to use your name, image, and logo wherever possible)
  2. Align yourself with other established, popular, and well-positioned wedding pros in your area. (side note – don’t be weird with this one – you always want to keep things real and authentic)
  3. Generate reviews and testimonials as soon as you can – then share them across your social media platforms and content platforms to show off your trustworthiness.
Need More Wedding Leads

Attract More Wedding Leads

One of the biggest mistakes I see new and existing wedding business owners make is they set up and give out their wedding packages without any thought to their pricing strategy or lead generation strategy.

Is this you? Do you have a pricing strategy in place that aligns with your wedding lead generation strategy?

Do you have wedding packages set up that offer your clients four choices?

Now, obviously, if you’re selling individual products – you may not be able to use this pricing strategy – but for the majority of you that offer wedding services, such as wedding photography, wedding venue, wedding cakes, and wedding planning – are you using your wedding packages to attract more wedding leads?

You can easily set up your pricing and packages to work as a wedding lead-generating tool directly from your social media accounts and website.

Simply sign up with your chosen autoresponder.

(I use a mixture of Honeybook, Getresponse, and Mailerlite in my business).

From there, you will then create a form that is embedded on your site and social media profiles.

A potential client will use it to fill out their name and email address in exchange for your pricing list and packages.

This new lead will be captured on a list that you can then use to contact or share further correspondence about your wedding services and products.

For the actual pricing strategy side of things – you will want to create 4 packages.

The first is used as a baseline offer.

This is for those clients with strict budgets, but who really want to work with you.

The next package is the most popular one – that you will most likely sell the most of because of its overall value.

The next package is a slight upsell from the second package and the fourth package is the anchor package.

Only a few of your clients would sign up for package 4, but it is there to showcase the value of package two.

There’s a lot more to this than I can fit into this post, but If you need help with your wedding packages and pricing strategy, I have a coaching program specifically for this challenge.

Market Your Wedding Business EVERYWHERE, every day!

Aggressive marketing is essential for wedding professionals if they want more wedding leads and bookings on a consistent basis.

Bridal couples are not looking for your products or services for long!

If you want to grab their attention and stand out from the crowd – you need to follow an aggressive marketing plan – especially on social media.

A common question I get asked about posting on social media is this:

Which platforms we should concentrate on?

Now, some social media managers will recommend you only concentrate on one or two, for instance, Facebook and Instagram.

But, my take on this is quite different. I recommend posting to EVERY social media platform EVERY DAY, even twice a day if you can.

This means posting to Pinterest, Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook, and even TikTok at the same time.

You might be thinking this is a bit too much, but remember – we’re not in the home improvement industry, the fashion industry, or the health industry.

We’re in the wedding industry – bridal couples only get married once (hopefully) – so we don’t have time to waste.

To post to every social media account – you will need the right scheduling tool. I absolutely LOVE Pallyy.

You could also check out Loomly (the tool I’ve used for nearly three years for my clients).

Another fantastic scheduling tool is Tailwind, however, this is only really great for Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook posts.

Need More Wedding Leads

Social media posting is essential for setting up your wedding company as open for business.

If creating and scheduling daily posts is too much for you- consider delegating or outsourcing it to someone else.

You could also use my DFYS (done for you services) – Find out more.

Is Your Wedding Business Generating More Wedding Leads?

I’ve previously touched on this in the pricing section of this article, but just to recap: there is a way to use your wedding business website as a lead-generating tool by placing a form on your website that a potential client would fill out in exchange for something.

I recommend using your packages and price lists as the lead magnet on every page of your website.

There are several other tools you could integrate with your website to create a robust resource for attracting bridal clients and converting them into clients.

For instance, you could link to your appointment scheduling tool to automatically set up free consultations with potential clients. I recommend Calendly and

Honeybook is another incredible tool that you can use to streamline your booking process, including appointments. As an affiliate, you can get 50% off with my code.


To get more wedding leads, you need to have an online presence, a personal brand, attractive pricing, and a system to capture each lead!

If you’d like to know more – schedule a consultation with me?

Further Reading > Quality Wedding Leads Guide

Until the next time,

Take care
