This article is about the best marketing plan for your wedding business in 2023

2023 is going to be a big year for weddings!

But it’s going to be a struggle for some of you, especially if you don’t have a strategic marketing plan in place.

A strategic wedding business marketing plan is exactly that…

It’s a plan that you can follow along as a step-by-step process!

A plan that will help you attract and target brides and bridal couples that are out there searching for the products and services that you offer in your area.

The Best Marketing Plan for Your Wedding Business

The 12-Step Wedding Marketing Plan

If you want to book quality weddings, you need to continuously attract quality wedding leads.

To attract more wedding leads to your business, you need a plan!

My unique 12-Step Wedding Marketing Plan for your wedding business follows a strategy 12-step process that covers the following topics:

  1. Your wedding business pricing
  2. Your personal and business branding
  3. Your social media accounts
  4. Your website
  5. Your Google Ranking
  6. Your Blogs
  7. Your Email Marketing
  8. Your Online Presence
  9. Your Referrals
  10. Your In-person Events
  11. Your PR and Advertising
  12. Your Paid Ads

When you follow this strategic marketing plan for your wedding business, you will design your business that be aligned with your audience and will have a system to target brides and bridal couples on auto-pilot.

Step 1: Pricing

The first step in this 12-step marketing plan for your wedding business is PRICING!

Your pricing and packages carry a lot more weight on the success of your wedding business than you may think!

The wedding industry is jam-packed with wedding companies, but only a small group of wedding pros are successful. This is because they start and run their wedding business without understanding this crucial element.

When you take the time necessary to work out your prices and packages in the right way, you’ll have more confidence and understanding about what you do, who you do it for, and why you do it that will give you all the details you need to move forward.

During this step of my marketing plan, you’ll have the opportunity to set your prices and work out each package based on my 4-package strategy.

This pricing strategy allows you to create 4 separate packages that perfectly align with your target audience and with what you want/need to earn from your business.

Do you want to get your wedding pricing and packages set up and aligned with the brides and bridal couples that you’re trying to attract?

Do you want to earn more money and reach your financial goals this year?

I offer pricing consultations that give you this chance! Check it out here.

Marketing Plan for Your Wedding Business

Step 2: Branding

Your personal brand plays a huge role in your wedding business’s success. If you don’t feel confident or excited about your wedding products or services, brides and bridal couples will feel it.

That is why I recommend that every wedding business owner works on their personal brand before looking at any business branding.

Once you’ve worked on your personal brand, we can then move on to your business brand and ensure that it is fully aligned with your pricing and your personal brand.

Do you see how each step moves on to the next?

Step 3: Social Media

My marketing plan for your wedding business follows a unique path but focuses on three specific concepts. The first concept is this: Is your wedding company open for business?

In other words, does your target audience (brides-to-be) know about your business?

One of the best ways to ensure your wedding business is showing up in front of your target brides is with consistent social media posts.

Brides and bridal couples do a lot of research and wedding vendor searches online, including Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, so if your business is lacking in that department, you will miss out.

For this step in the marketing plan for your wedding business, I outline how, why, what, and when you should promote your wedding company on each social media account.

You’ll have a strategic social media plan that will eliminate the guesswork!

Step 4: Your Wedding Business Website

Most wedding pros and business owners have a wedding website, but not a lot of you will have a strategic wedding business website set up and working for your business 24/7.

This step of the wedding marketing plan is ESSENTIAL for those of you wanting to generate more wedding leads and bookings for your business.

Your website is more than just a brochure for your wedding company. It’s a tool!

A tool that can help to generate leads and book weddings on autopilot.

There’s also a strategic process to follow in the number of pages you need, the number of words you need on each page, and the overall flow for your visitors.

Marketing Plan for Your Wedding Business

Step 5: SEO/Google Ranking

Possibly the most important step in this 12-Step Marketing Plan for Your Wedding Business is your SEO/Google Ranking.

Wedding companies that take the time to implement an SEO strategy benefit from better Google rankings and therefore more traffic to their website from their target brides.

This is a huge topic, so I won’t go into all the details, but for those that would like to deep dive into this topic. I offer 1-1 SEO Consultations.

Step 6: Blogging

Another crucial step in this wedding business marketing plan is blogging.

The more articles you have on your site, the better!

But, there’s a definite strategy to follow if you want to beat your closest competitors.

A good blog post can be the difference between you and your competition.

Step 7: Email Marketing

I feel like I keep saying the same thing over and over again here. This is another essential step in this unique marketing plan for wedding pros.

Wedding companies can benefit from a ton of leads and bookings when they have a strategic email marketing system in place.

This is because they understand the psychology and the timeline of a bridal couple.

Bridal couples have a lot of things to organize and pay for when it comes to planning their wedding.

This can sometimes delay how they book their vendors. For instance, they may be saving to pay for the wedding venue first before looking at other vendors on their list.

Those of you that have a strategic email marketing system in place can play the long game with these couples and will have more chance of getting a booking.

This is called REMINDER MARKETING and can be a HUGE benefit for wedding pros.

Step 8: Online Presence

If you search your wedding category and your area on Google, Bing, or any other search platform, does your wedding business show up in the Google Business Profile section?

Is your company listed on the best wedding directories in your area (and Country)?

Are past brides leaving online reviews for your business?

Your online presence is your wedding business footprint and one that bridal couples take very seriously when searching for your business online.

Brides and bridal couples like to do a lot of research and due diligence before booking a venue or a wedding venue for their big day.

One of the first things they will do is look you up online.

If you have a great online presence, you’ll get the booking. If you don’t – you could miss out.

It’s that simple!

In this marketing plan, I outline the best ways to create a trustworthy and credible online presence that bridal couples will be attracted to and trust.

Marketing Plan for Your Wedding Business

Step 9: Referrals

Possibly one of the easiest yet often forgotten steps in any marketing plan is referrals.

For some reason, a lot of people hate asking for referrals, yet, it’s one of the most powerful marketing tools that we can use to generate more weddings.

But, there’s a strategy to follow if you want to do this right!

Step 10: In-Person Events

The next step in my Marketing Plan for Your Wedding Business is in-person events and what I mean by that is your 1-1 meetings or consultations, networking events, and promotion events like wedding expos and bridal fairs.

Always remember this: Their wedding day is one of the most important days of their lives. One that they will only entrust to those they feel comfortable with and TRUST!

When you meet brides and bridal couples in person, you are giving them the opportunity to engage and connect with you, which will help them make a quicker decision.

If they like and trust you and feel a connection with you, you’ll have more chance of them booking your services or buying your products.

Step 11: PR and Advertising

Another step that often gets ignored is this one. Your wedding business PR and advertising are vitally important for taking your wedding business to the next level.

In this step, I’ll show you how to elevate and position your business to attract even more brides and bridal couples!

Step 12: Paid Ads

Then finally, we get to the paid ads step. Some of you may be using ads in your wedding business already but struggling to get good results. You might be overspending because you’re not using the right settings, or you could be getting a lot of leads, but they’re not the right type or aligned with your business at all.

In this step, I unpack paid ads in great detail so you can move forward with a strategy that is completely designed for wedding companies.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it. A simple overview of my 12-Step Marketing Plan for Your Wedding Business.

For those of you ready to get these steps and strategies in place – I have a new challenge coming up that you can sign up for here. (The challenge is available 4 x per year so if it’s closed, be sure to add your name to the waitlist to be informed when the challenge opens up again)

If you’d prefer to work with me 1-1 – check this out.

2023 Wedding Marketing Tips

If you’re looking for the best wedding marketing tips for 2023, check out this article, My Top 3 Wedding Marketing Tips in 2023. In the article, I outline three marketing tips that every wedding business should know about. These wedding marketing tips will show you how to attract more of your target audience in 2023.

Until the next time,

take care